Briefing Paper
Joel Peters, February 2010
Summary points
- Diplomatic efforts aimed at bringing Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table, however concerted, are not sufficient by themselves to change the underlining dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They need to be accompanied by swift progression to implementation, with international monitoring, training and support.
- The deployment of a robust international peacekeeping presence in the West Bank and Gaza is increasingly considered a key part of creating and maintaining momentum towards realizing positive change on the ground.
- An international peacekeeping mission would primarily work in partnership with the Palestinian Authority to assist in the rebuilding of its governance capacities. Containing both military-security and civilian components, it would serve as a bridge until trust is rebuilt between Israel and the Palestinians and would transform the broader conflict environment.
- International intervention should not be seen as inimical to Israel's strategic concerns and security interest. It can assist Israel in meeting many of the security challenges it currently faces, facilitate Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation and monitor Palestinians' compliance on their commitments to combat terrorist operations against Israel.
- Any form of international intervention would demand the sustained commitment of the contributing nations, in terms of both political support and material costs. It would also need to be considered as part of a broader policy initiative, which could act as a catalyst for a change in Israel's overall security environment and its broader strategic concerns.